Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 77: It's Over. {Sigh}

Happy New Year!

My holiday break has already come.  And gone.  {sigh.}

Not that I didn't enjoy my break.  I spent some much-deserved time with my family, both in town and out of town.  Several hundred miles out of town, to be exact.  All with bitterly cold weather (but NO SNOW!  YES!).  My children enjoyed their holiday, and I had a chance to catch up on my leisure reading (Amazing how much of that doesn't get done during the school year...)


The clock read 6:30 yesterday evening.  Being the slightly anal-retentive person that I am, I began to immediately count down the last few moments of freedom I had until I needed to return to school this morning.  I desperately wanted at least one more day.  But alas, that was not to be.  (Slight confession/question:  Does anyone else out there secretly set their alarm a bit later in the hope to squeeze out just a few more minutes of vacation?  Or am I the only one?  It's okay.  You can admit it.  We'll join a support group together.)

Apparently, I was not the only one feeling this way this morning.  My own two children were dragging.  My students were dragging (when they first got into the classroom, anyway. Then they perked up and revved along like they had caffeinated coffee with their breakfasts.).  We did get a lot accomplished, but they were SO CHATTY today!  Of course they wanted to tell all about their break, presents, who they saw, what they ate, etc.  I gave them a period of the day to talk about those things (outside of recess and lunch) thinking it would help squelch some of that.  Nope.  Not at all. 

Hopefully tomorrow they will be a bit better, but I don't know.  (I have a sub for the morning.  I'm going to have my knee checked out again.  My doctor only had a 9 a.m. appointment available for the next two weeks after being closed during the holiday, so I took it.  This is not something I would normally do to a sub, but I need to be sure I'll be able to get around.)  I hope they will be decaffeinated by then!

For those of you still on your break, enjoy the time!  For those of you who have started back with me, repeat as often as needed: four more days, four more days.  (Or if you are a foodie like me: chocolate, chocolate...)

1 comment:

  1. One reason I love not going back til later in the month is that the hype from Christmas is gone. So are any good writing assignments, but I'll take not-so-chatty over it all! Hope they are better!
