Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 81: First Snow

Friday, January 7, was Day 81.  It was also the hallmark of things to come this season.

Unlike some of you who have already gotten a measurable amount of snow this winter season, our first snow fell Thursday night into the wee hours of Friday morning.  I had seen the forecast and wasn't sure we were going to get much of anything, as we sit in a valley and most storms pass us by.  Not so on this occasion.  Enter a 5:15 a.m. call from the school district's automated call system announcing a 2-hour delay for that morning.  Picture me blissfully snuggling under the covers to sleep in just a bit.  Picture my husband, who didn't have a delay, silently grumbling under his breath because the phone call woke him up fifteen minutes earlier than his alarm.

I enjoyed a leisure morning at home with my children before going out to school and getting prepared for the morning.  And oh, what a morning (and subsequent afternoon)!

You know how little children get when it's almost Christmas?  And how they get when it's almost their birthday?  AND how they get when it's almost the last day of school?  Take those three and wrap them up and you have what my kiddos were like when they entered the door Friday morning.  I also like how children think you are unaware of what has happened in the world the last time you saw them.  "Mrs. _____, it snowed!"  Yes, yes, I know.  (chuckle)

We did our best to get through everything.  Only Social Studies had to be moved to Monday.  Somehow we made progress, all while I tried to keep their minds focused on their work instead of snowballs and sleds.

The snow has started fading away, but there is still a bit of ice and the temperature is downright cruel.  We are forecasted to get up to another four inches between tomorrow evening and Wednesday morning.

Oh, the joy of winter!

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