Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 83: An Adventure

Today was an adventure.  Which is to say, it was one of those days.

My morning began with a raging migraine that nearly caused me to call off.  (I used to get migraines for a while and even had a prescription to treat them for a while, but they had gotten better over the years so I haven't needed it for a long time.  That's not to say, however, I'm not hit hard by one from time to time--like this morning.)  I took a quick rest while my son ate breakfast and went in anyway.  I took my Extra Strength Excedrin as soon as I got in the building, and the pain was dulled for most of the day.  I kept the nausea under control by snacking when I could.

We were inside again today, with snow on the playground, bitter temperatures, and more snow forecasted--up to six more inches.  Needless to say, it was noisy in the room today during recess time.

The students did work well today, with only two kiddos needing to move their clips for shouting out or talking when they weren't supposed to be.  I usually don't have more than one move.

One of my kiddos had an accident and the custodian had to be buzzed twice before he got to my room to sanitize. (I think he was salting the walks at that time.)  Meanwhile my students had to move their seats so no one would step in it before it was cleaned up. Of course, this is the time that most of the students reached the part on the math page that requires a ruler.  And where are the rulers kept?  Near the desk of the student that had the accident. So then I have students trying to get their rulers without stepping in the puddle. I finally handed to rulers to someone to pass out--after I put a trashcan in front of the mess so no one would step in it.  The good thing is that the students didn't make a big deal out of it.  I simply said "It happens" when I found out and went along with what we were doing.  I figured the student was embarrassed enough without everyone making a huge deal.

My husband sent me a text to say that he was home early because he isn't feeling well--low-grade fever, stomach ache, and the blahs.  I'm hoping he didn't catch what one of our students over the weekend had. That little one was sent to the health ward with a fever of 103 degrees on Saturday afternoon after waking with a fever that went down and then rose dramatically right before lunch.  My son is also complaining of not feeling well, but he has no symptoms as of yet.  I'm praying that he doesn't develop any.

In the midst of this I had to leave early to get to a doctor's appointment so I had to split my kids for the last 15 minutes of the day and rush to the office.  I made it with three minutes to spare.  Then when I got back in the car I realized I'm down to an eighth of a tank of gas and one of my tires must be low because I got a warning light.  This means that when I take my daughter to dance tonight, I need to stop and take care of those things.  In the snow.

I just want a nap.

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