Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 50: The Day After

I always find it interesting to witness the change in students the day after report cards are given.  You know what I mean.  They're more focused and serious about getting their assignments done, or they are working hard at not talking or not being social.  The mood is almost somber...but in a good, let's-get-down-to-business sort of way. 

My students have an idea of what types of things I am going to talk about with their parents; we conference before the parent conferences.  I ask them what types of things they think they did well in, and where they think they have room for improvement.  Most kids are pretty aware of these two areas and are often spot on with their views. 

I conference with them because my current school does not have children in conferences with the parents.  In my previous school, it was a requirement for me.  I met with the parents and the children at the same time because it eliminates any confusion that may have arisen about any homework issues, expectations, etc.  We all met together and ended on the same note, so there were no excuses later.  If there was ever a concern regarding a learning disability or area of counseling need, I always excused the child for that part of the discussion, or arranged to meet the parents at another time.

What about you? Take the poll under the "Popular Posts" section and let me know your thoughts on "conference etiquette."

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