Today was a fun day. We began our day with our insect speaker who shared with us the interesting world of aquatic insects. He is the parent of one of the students in another class and is a biologist by profession. He talked to the children about the life cycles of the insects, the difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis, camouflage, and where to find them in the water.
He also brought samples(!) of the different types of insects in various stages of their life cycles. The students observed dragonflies, damselflies, mayflies, and various other types of water beetles and crustaceans (like crayfish). The students loved it and were full of questions. They especially were impressed (and sort of grossed out) by a giant water beetle.
These are stages in the life cycle of an aquatic insect. I think it's a type of beetle. |
This is the water beetle the kids were fascinated yet somewhat repulsed by, mainly because of it's size. It's about 2.5 to 3 inches long and is about 1.5 inches across at its widest point. Sort of looks like a cockroach close up. I'm not afraid of insects, but this is not something I'd want to find in my shoe! |
After our speaker left, we continued with science and observed our own mealworm colony in the classroom. We watched one adult beetle crawl around while another molted out of its pupa-skin covering. I swear my students all want to become little entomologists now!
That is, as long as they don't have to study the giant water beetle...
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