Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 75: TWO Assemblies?!?!

Okay.  Day 75 was one day before our last day before break.  (Did you follow that?)  This day was full of silliness and craziness, due mainly to the fact that we had two, count 'em, TWO assemblies in one day.  One in the morning, and one in the afternoon.  

The first assembly was our annual holiday sing along.  Since my school is so large, we have to break the assembly over two time periods.  Second grade (my grade) went along with kindergarten and fourth grade.  It was a pretty interesting experience to hear 250-plus students belting out Christmas carols and popular Christmas songs without anyone getting carried away.  (With the exception of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."  Something about that song sets little ones off.  Same with "Jingle Bells.") 

Our second assembly was supposed to be a multicultural assembly, like a "holidays around the world" sort of deal.  The presenter tried to explain the holidays of Hanukkah, Navidad/Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, and Diwali.  He had a little skit that used student helpers, some music, and then a slideshow presentation showing each of the holidays and how they are celebrated.  For the most part, he was on, but some of his facts weren't correct.  It was funny, because my students, who either celebrate most of these holidays or were listening when we discussed them in class this week and last week during social studies, came to me afterward and told me he was wrong.  I'll not go into the details, but I think he needs to do a little more research for some of the material he shared.

The time in between the assemblies (which took about an hour and 15 minutes out of the day) only added to the silliness of the past few days because the children really had a hard time focusing. 

Day 76 is the last day before break.  Deep breaths, people, deep breaths.

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