Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 73: Holidays and Craziness

I realized that Day 72's post was a little off my usual, but I wanted you to get a feel for where I'm coming from as of late.  The church stuff is over, and now I am looking ahead to the school stuff.  Let me tell you (or maybe I don't have to tell you) that the last few days before Christmas/Winter/Holiday Break (whatever your school calls it) is the hardest week ever!  (Actually, scratch that.  The last week before summer is the worst, but this is VERY close--by thousandths!)

I have children who are eagerly counting the days (at home AND at school!).  No one is focused or wanting to work.  So what do I do?  Here is my game plan for the week:

**The students have journal and Daily Edit every day.  That goes without saying.

Today we finished up writing projects from last week.  We finished weather posters for science.  We reviewed for the math test they are having tomorrow.  (I like to have all units finished up before break so I can start fresh after the break.) Somewhere in there we had silent reading time, reading skills groups, our riddle of the day ("How many animals can you think of that have only three letters in their names?"  I must say, they did well on this one!), special, and a discussion and minbook project about Kwanzaa.

Looking ahead to the rest of the week: We will...
*Have skills groups, daily edit, journal, riddle of the day, and special each day.
*Do a Grinch writing project (I read the story and the students write a response letter to the Grinch.  They have to pretend they are one of the Whos in Whoville while they are writing the letter.  Some of them tell the Grinch how awful he is, some tell him they hope he will keep his change of heart, and some of them tell him they hope he learns the true meaning of Christmas.  It's always interesting to see what they write; I can't wait to read them this year!)
*Read some holiday stories.
*Learn about Las Posadas and Three Kings Day.  We will also read The Legend of the Poinsettia by Tomie de Paola.
*Take a math test and a science test.
*Have two assemblies--in one day--on Wednesday. (Why?)
*Have our holiday party on Thursday.
It doesn't sound like much, but it is.  Those of you who work with little ones know what I mean!  Just getting them focused to get the teaching done can be tricky at times.

One day down.  Three to go before break.

Bring them on!  

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