Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 65: It's a Blur

**Sorry for the late posts!  My computer decided to freeze up me last night, so I had to finish today!**

You ever have one of those days where dismissal rolls around and you wonder what in the world you did all day?  You know what I mean: You're brain is tired, your body is tired, and you can't seem to recall everything that happened.

Today was one of those days.

The day began with a visit from the Desk Fairy.  Then we went over our plan for the day.  After that we raced through language arts until we were called for an assembly at 10:15.  (The fourth- and fifth-grade choirs, band, and orchestra were doing their dress rehearsal for the Winter Concert.)  Then we flowed right into first recess (15 minutes), independent reading time (You may call it SSR, DEAR time, or Stop, Drop, and Read time.), and lunch.  After lunch we had our read aloud before we went to special. 

While the children were in special (my one break for today), I checked on a student who is going on an educational trip tomorrow.  (He told me he was going and his mom wanted his work for tomorrow, but I had no documentation he was going anywhere.  Found the documentation and had to gather his work.)  After that I set up my activity bins for math.  (We are in our geometry unit and were doing an activity with pattern blocks.)  Then I typed up new plans for the sub that was coming to cover my class while I attended an IEP meeting.  (The activity I originally planned involved cutting and pasting.  Not something I want to give a sub who's never been in my room before.  Those of you who teach young children know what I'm talking about!) Oh, and somewhere in between there I snuck off to use the bathroom and tried to get the computer to print out the plans for the sub.  (Our system has been acting crazy since we had an outage last week.  No connection for most of the day.  'Twas NOT FUN!)

After I picked up the students from special we reviewed our Daily Edits, read about the next night of Hanukkah in Social Studies, did a project, and began our math review before the sub came in to cover my class for my meeting.  I went to the meeting, which lasted just over an hour, then came back to my room in the midst of indoor recess.  (Temperatures outside with the "Real Feel" factored in were in the mid-teens.  Brrr!)  Indoor recess ended about 10 minutes after I came in the door.  Then it was time to copy homework and reminders, clean out mailboxes, get packed up, and wait for dismissal. 

When my last students left, I sat at my desk and wondered where in the world the day went.  It truly was a whirlwind of a day!

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