Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 162: Field Trip...Chaperone

While Day 162 was technically not spent in my own classroom, I was still part of an educational learning experience.  What did I do?  I spent the day as a chaperon on my sixth-grader's study trip.  (A note to those of you who teach middle school:  Kudos to you.  I don't know how you do it!)

The trip was to a local nature center where the students learned about the function of wetlands on a hike, identified birds in the habitat, acted as naturalists for the day while searching for frogs, snakes, and evidence of other animals (like bats, snails, deer, and chipmunks/squirrels).  The students also learned how pollution, erosion, and runoff affect watersheds; how to determine of water was "clean" by identifying live aquatic insects in samples of water from around the area; and how to identify trees by their leaves and bark. In all, it was an very informative trip, and the weather was cooperative.

While I was out in the park, my students spent the day with  a substitute.  They said they had fun and everything was covered.  A good day on both ends.

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