Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 39: First Cold of the School Year

Ugh.  Today I woke up with what feels like a rock in my throat and one stuffy nostril that whistled when I breathed.  I'm sure my husband thought I was sexy then.

I had a pretty good idea this was coming.

One of my colleagues fought the battle of the germs and lost about a week and a half ago.  He is still recovering from the effects.  My colleague next door to me started her day much the same as I started mine today.  She had a sub when I walked in this morning.

And me?  I believe in the power of positive thinking in regards to my health.  That is, I am rarely sick.  Even now, while my symptoms throughout the day have progressed to sneezes here and there, coughs, the feeling that I have an elephant sitting on my chest, and a voice that resembles a bullfrog, I keep thinking it could be worse.  I could be back to my first year teaching in this district when I caught every severe cold that entered the building between November and March.  The worst part of that time period was when I thought I had a bad cold and cough for a month, only to find out I had walking pneumonia and was off for a week.  This, the week before Christmas break.  I know, I know; I can hear the groans from here.

Back to the present.  I bought some snazzy reusable hot beverage cups at Target so I can put my hot tea in them to sip throughout the morning.  (The ones I bought came in a two-pack and have cool designs on them.  Couldn't find the designs on the manufacturer's site, though. Sorry!) I have my ginger ale at hand and have taken a nice little nap after dinner tonight.  My prayer is that I don't get any worse than this so I can finish out my week with my students.  You know what I mean; sometimes it's harder to be out sick than it is to stick it out and be in the building.  If I call off, then you KNOW I'm sick. 

That said, I'm going to find a comfy spot in my bed, watch a little TV, and drift back into sleep. 

See you tomorrow.

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