Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 20: Another "Wha...?" Moment

My "Wha...?" moment of the day did not occur at school, but as I was getting prepared to go to school. (My actual school day was great!)

Over the weekend I got a new cell phone.  I put all of my settings in, including my alarm clock.  (I always wake up to my cell phone; there isn't even a clock in my bedroom.)  Anyhow, I woke up before my alarm and was waiting in bed for my husband to get out of the bathroom.  As I am waiting, I hear a vibrating noise.  Thinking it was my new phone, I picked it up to turn off the alarm.  Only there was no display on the screen prompting me to turn off the alarm.  So I fiddled with the phone thinking I missed a step.  Soon the vibrating stops.  Success!

Or so I thought.

Five minutes later, about the time for a typical snooze function to kick in, I hear vibrating again.  By this time my husband is out of the bathroom.  I asked him how to turn off the alarm on my phone because I bought the same model he has.  He looks at me like I'm crazy as I tell him I can't find the screen to turn off the alarm. 

Then--he starts laughing.

I don't get the joke.

By now I'm frustrated because he's laughing at me and I don't know why, and the vibrating still hasn't stopped, so I cry, "If it's not my phone, then where is that noise coming from?"  To which he replies, "Check the closet." 

The closet?  Why is there a vibrating noise coming from my bedroom closet?  So I go to the closet and open the door.  The noise is coming from the shelf.  More specifically, a bag on my shelf.  Most specifically, the bag on the shelf that contains my old cell phone.

The cell phone that was fully charged when I went to buy my new phone.  The cell phone I forgot to turn off.  The cell phone that was trying to wake me up as it had so many other mornings.  The cell phone whose alarm I promptly turned off.  The cell phone I powered down and put back on the shelf.

I emerged from the closet to my husband's laughing face.

Sigh.  What a way to begin a Monday!

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