Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 121: Snow Make Up-Again

Friday, March 11, was our second snow make up day.  The students didn't seem to mind that they were in school.  In fact, they rather welcomed it!

Thing is, we were reading about dinosaurs.  If I know nothing else, I know that all you need to do is mention the word "dinosaur" and all eyes and ears are yours.  Additionally, we were creating our new habitat for our milkweed bug colony in science.  (Yes, live insects!)  I don't mind the insects in my room, but I have had parents in the past avoid visiting whenever we had our colonies (three in a year).  Sad thing is, I think the eggs are dead.  They are supposed to be yellow, red, or orange.  Mine (and those of the other second-grade teachers) have turned to a dull shade of brown.  Methinks we will have to reorder!

I also let the children know we would be working on our animal reports, with the specifics to be covered on Tuesday (no school Monday).  That was exciting news for them, too.  Almost as exciting as the dinosaurs.  Ah well.  We can't all be rock stars!

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