If you've been following, you know that Thursday, February 10, was the 100th Day of School. I had my students write about what their lives will be like when they are 100 years old. While their stories were pretty cute, their pictures were even funnier. I've posted a few below for your perusal.
Here are two of my students at 100 years old. One is a dancer who shares her craft with students while the other is an Academy Award-winning actress. |
These are three more students at 100 years old. There is a scientist/inventor (of the jet-powered wheelchair), a pediatrician, and the student who said his job will be to tell kids to stay off his lawn. Can you guess which one he his? |
Here are two more students at 100 years old. One is a police officer; the other is a veterinarian. |
I thought their pictures were too cute. It's always funny to see what children think being "old" is, but I was surprised at the number of canes, gray hair (or no hair), and age spots they drew on their self-portraits. All except one student, that is. He wrote on his paper that he'll discover a pill that will make you 8 years old again. Ah, the good old fountain of youth!
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