I know. My blog page has been neglected, VERY neglected over the past several months. So much has been going on that I haven't had time to write.a.single.word.
So what's been shakin' bacon? In a nutshell, school, school events, family, church, and school. In the past several months I have taken two grad classes (finishing with a 93 and 98, respectively), continued to work my full-time teaching job (which may or may not be there in the fall--more on that in a minute), coached for my local chapter of Girls on the Run, ran a 5K, guided my oldest through a season of track and field, shuffled children between dance, choir, etc., and began house hunting. It's been a whirlwind of activity.
Girls on the Run was a fantastic experience. If you've not heard of it, check out the link. If you have and you have time, be sure to check out your local chapter and/or volunteer. It is SO well worth it!
Regarding my job, my district is furloughing 84 positions, 74 of them teachers. Guess who is on the list? The whole process is one huge mess as no one seems to know anything that's going on. I've been told I am to be furloughed (two days ago), but there is no information as to what I am supposed to do next; it hasn't been fleshed out by the powers that be. So we'll see what the next few weeks bring. Oh, and WHY are such drastic cuts? Let's see, steep education cuts from the governor and poor financial sense on the part of the school district. And here we are.
So, that's where I've been. That's why dust and cobwebs have settled on my web page.
Time to get the Swiffer out.